Q. How many fasteners are required in the insulation board?
A. One plate and fastener for every two square feet.
Q. I have gaps between the insulation boards, is this a problem?
A. Gaps between boards less than 1/4” will not negatively impact the performance of the system.
Q. Why is my adhesive not drying properly?
A. Be sure to stir the adhesive (or primer) thoroughly. When done properly, the adhesive (or primer) will be uniform in color without marbling or sediment in the bottom of the can. Also, adhesives should be applied evenly and without globs.
Q. Can I install this membrane over an existing roof product?
A. GenTite membranes are not designed to be adhered directly to an existing roof assembly. When the existing assembly is being left in place, a minimum 1/2” wood fiber board must be placed over the existing assembly.
Q. How far should the membrane extend under my shingled roof?
A. The membrane should extend a minimum of a 12″ vertical rise, 18″ in high snow load areas.
Q. What is considered an acceptable substrate?
A. The following is a list of acceptable substrates: Polyiso Roof Insulation, high density wood fiberboard, plywood, OSB, smooth metal and DensDeck. Do not attempt to install over any type of polystyrene foam boards, asphalt, wood planking or Perlite.
Q. How can I keep the wind from moving the membrane before I have a chance to install it?
A. Try to use items that can easily be lifted to the roof (i.e. bricks, wood planks) to provide temporary weight. Be careful to avoid placing these items near the folds as this may cause creasing in the membrane.
Q. I installed the membrane yesterday and today there are bubbles (or blisters) showing up. What happened?
A. Blisters are typically caused by gases being trapped between the substrate and membrane. Be sure to carefully follow application instructions. The amount of blistering will determine the action needed to remedy the situation. Small blisters may dissipate with time.
Q. There are wrinkles in the membrane. Do I need to repair them?
A. If the wrinkles do not impede the flow of water to the drainage system and are not in the seam area, they may be left alone.
Q. The release liner keeps tearing. What can I do?
A. Be careful to pull the liner off with a steady, methodical motion. Pulling with a quick or uneven manner may cause stress on the liner, creating tears.
Q. Do I have to caulk the seams?
A. Cover tape is required to be centered over the top of completed seams. Both sides of the cover tape must be caulked with Edge Caulk.
Q. The seam tape is not sticking. What should I do?
A. Be sure the surface is clean and dry and that Seam Primer has been properly applied to both the top and bottom of the seam, extending out 1/2″ past the seam edge.
Q. I ran out of Edge Caulk. Can I use caulk I have at home to complete the installation?
A. If you substitue caulk, be sure it is a high quality urethane caulk. Water or silicone based caulks will not perform adequately with your GenTite RRS system. Please note: Use of a non-GenTite caulk may void your warranty.
Q. Does a fastener have to be installed in every hole of the Termination Bar?
A. No. Every 2nd hole is sufficient. However, if you feel that an additional fastener needs to be installed to prevent buckling or bowing in any portion of the bar, you can.
If you did not find the answer to your question, please call us at 877-GENTITE (436-8483).
Q. How do I clean my GenTite Roof?
A. Generally your black rubber roof will not need cleaning. White rubber or TPO will be subject to wind borne dirt and debries. Over time, this dirt will diminish the light reflectance capabilities of your GenTite roof and you may find it desirous to clean your roof. Now—a wet roof is a slippery roof so we suggest you hire a professional roofing contractor to do this project. While there are several “roof” cleaning products on the market you can buy, common household cleaners (Simple Green, Spic n Span) will work just fine.
Copyright 2011 by GenTite RRS